McAfee Certificate Error: Here’s How to Fix It
McAfee antivirus login is not complicated. Instead, it is simple as many people ask us questions such as how to log into mcafee account or how do I access my mcafee account and others. In fact, mcafee com sign in can be done by following a few steps. However, irrespective of successfully setting up the McAfee account, you might see McAfee certificate error which can crop on the screen for many reasons which will be discussed later in this blog. FYI, we have explained earlier in our blogs on how to log into a mcafee account and how to access my mcafee account. In fact, not only the reasons, we will also cite the solutions for it as well to ensure you don’t have to wrack your mind for it. All you need to do is read the blog thoroughly to make sure you don’t need any extra hand for the work.

What Are The Reasons For McAfee Certificate Error?
McAfee antivirus login might sometimes lead to certificate errors that can be fixed in no time. But before that, we will like to tell you the probable reasons that lead to certificate errors when you login to a mcafee account. Keep reading to find out more:
· Updating the service certificate when you login mcafee antivirus can lead to certificate errors many times
· Customised modification procedure leading to server.xml file can also lead to certificate errors. The server.xml file connects the key store file orion.server.http
· The ePO uses a self-signed certificate to authorize the certificate that is stored in a folder in the name with \
\Server\Keystore , also termed as server.keystore file. The certificate also verifies the server.keystore file.
How To Fix McAfee Certificate Error
Find out about how to log into mcafee account and how do I access my mcafee account gradually but before that explore the solutions to fix the certificate error. When you login mcafee, and you see certificate error, do not freak out, instead follow the
steps mentioned below:
· Import the self-signed or customized certificate that is known as server.keystore. This is one of the first steps to fix the issue and thereafter backup the file that will be named as /McAfee/ePolicyOrchestrator/server/conf/server.xml. You have to change the server.xml file extension thereafter. Then, you have to login mcafee, alter the keystore file.
· Save all the files while handling them when you sign in mcafee com. Then restart the ePO services, click on start menu and then on Run, enter services.msc. Thereafter, press on OK button and restart your computer.
Call McAfee Support Number for Further Complications

If you see the certificate error when you login mcafee antivirus, follow the above-listed steps and solve it. Now, even after following the steps mentioned above, the issue persists, then you can call the mcafee support number or call our experts at 5506502105 and we will be happy to help you. For more updates on interesting topics like how to log into mcafee account and how do I access my mcafee account, stay hooked to our page!