AOL Error Code 400

Causes & Solution For AOL Error Code 400?

AOL is the platform which provides multiple services all over the world. AOL offers both types of services free & paid. In free service, user can access limited features of AOL mail, and in paid service, user can access all advanced features of AOL Mail. Many users faces some issues or errors like AOL Error Code 400 while using of AOL mail service.

What is AOL Error Code 400 & How to fix it?

AOL Error Code 400 is an HTTP error code. It comes while we install a software program on the computer. In other words, AOL Error 400 is Bad request or Invalid URL; it is an HTTP error code.

The cause behind AOL Error Code 400

This error triggers when a user requests to load a website or a bed URL, the request will be sent to the server, but due to the multiple requests hit on the server at the same time, the server overloaded, and the request rejects by the server.

2 Solution To Resolve AOL Error Code 400

If you want to get rid of the AOL error code 400, then you need to follow these two techniques that are mentioned below:

Solution 1-

  • Repair all the Windows registry entries that is related to http error 400 bad requests.

  • Make sure to run the Antivirus software so that you can remove any virus or malware available in your system.

  • You need to remove all junks files such as temporary files & folders by using Disk clean up the tool of your system.

  • Try to update the device driver of your system.

  • You can use the system restore option to retract all the recent changes made in your computer.

  • You even have to uninstall and then re-install the AOL messenger App.

  • You have to run Windows SFC (System File Checker) command for repairing missing and corrupted files.

  • You have to sure that you have installed all the available Windows updates.

  • Sometimes clean installation of Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, XP, etc. can be helpful.

Solution 2-

  • You have to check the requesting URL twice so that if it is invalid or improper, you can take experts help.

  • Try to check the windows registry files of AOL instant messenger.

After this procedure if you are unable to resolve AOL Error Code 400 so then contact AOL Email Supports Technical Team or get instant help. Our Email Experts are 24/7 available to help you or resolve all AOL Mail Issues.