
Auditing Firms

Top 10 Auditing Firms in the United Arab Emirates

Auditing Firms has become essential for most modern-day companies, irrespective of their type, size, or location. In this write-up, however, we are going to focus on the businesses based in Dubai.


Running a business in Dubai is quite challenging. After all, you are operating in the industrial hub of the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai has gained recognition as one of the largest economic capitals in the entire world. So, it is no wonder why businesses operating in this city feel more pressure on their accounts. Therefore, their books must be financially accurate and efficiently audited.


Small and medium businesses can’t always afford to appoint a full-time accountant to audit their account. In that case, hiring an auditing firm can help. However, if you search for accounting firms in Dubai or other parts of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), you might get confused given the plethora of options. Do not let your confusion ruin your selection. Instead, check out the below list featuring the top 10 auditing firms serving in the UAE. This list will help you choose the right accounting and auditing partner for your business.


1. PwC


PricewaterhouseCoopers is a member of the Big4 auditing companies in the world. They create value for clients by providing top-notch taxation and financial advisory services. PwC has a credible reputation throughout the world. You can count on them for accurate audits of your business accounts.


2. Deloitte


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited is one of the leading financial service providers across the globe, offering comprehensive taxation, auditing, risk management, and financial advisory services. They are also a part of the Big4 auditing firms in the world. Their client portfolio includes some of the world-renowned enterprises like Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Procter & Gamble, Morgan Stanley, etc. With a workforce of 225,400 people, Deloitte also ranks #1 as the most prominent recruiter among the major auditing firms.




KPMG International Limited is a British-Dutch multinational company offering a full range of financial services, including auditing, taxation, consultation, and advisory services. They have years of experience working in more than 155 countries. It shows their versatility in understanding and handling the tricky financial tasks of their clients.


4. EY


EY or Ernst & Young Global Limited has a strong network of world-class auditors, accountants, CAs, financial consultants, and other experts from this field. They specialise in providing comprehensive taxation solutions, auditing assurance, consultation and advisory services, and more. You can rely on EY’s exceptionally talented workforce to ensure your books are accurately audited.

accounting services in dubai

5. BDO


This is another trusted accounting and auditing firm with a footprint in more than 162 countries. We highly recommend BDO to those entrepreneurs who run operations throughout the world. Finding BDO’s alternative to audit your global business can be daunting.


6. Grant Thornton


G.T or Grant Thornton has several entities under the umbrella of Grant Thornton International. Their headquarter is in Chicago, but they have a worldwide presence. You can count on them for taxation, accounting, auditing, and other financial services.


7. Crowe Horwath Chartered Accountants


The global network of this company is huge. It contains 220 branches in around 130 countries. Their highly competitive pricing, exceptional client support, 24/7 effective communication, and flawless services set them apart from the other auditing companies. With a client portfolio containing world-class businesses and HNIs, the hegemony of Crowe Horwath Chartered Accountants is well established.


8. RSM Chartered Accountants


This is a highly rated and trusted auditing firm that operates in more than 120 countries. Their fastest-growing client base shows their efficiency in bookkeeping and auditing. Their experienced workforce has the expertise to handle complex accounting and auditing issues by leveraging appropriate technical know-how and knowledge.


9. Baker Tilly


Baker Tilly has years of experience handling different types of clients from various industries. You can count on them to receive tailored auditing, advisory, consultation, and taxation services. Their rapid growth and authenticity in their job are highly acknowledged in the financial service niche.

Auditing Firms

10. ebs – A Name Worth Mentioning


These are the top 10 firms you can consider for internal or external audits in Dubai. But before you choose any of these companies, we would like to add one more firm to this list, i.e. ebs. Since we are a Dubai based business, our team is well aware of the local business culture, practices, and legal terms regarding auditing, bookkeeping, etc. With a 4.9-star rating, we rank at the top position in Clutch’s top accounting firm list that they have published for the United Arab Emirates. 


We are reliable and committed to providing world-class auditing and accounting services in Dubai. However, you don’t have to burn your pocket to avail our services. Contact us now to find out more about our offerings.