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How to sign-up for AOL Mail and what are AOL products?

AOL Mail has been around for quite some time now and it is still one of the best email service providers. Over the years it saw a variety of instability or unpredictability that has succeeded in affecting it but, every time it happened, AOL came out stronger with no thoughts of giving up. Today, it offers many exclusive services online with extremely feasible features that separate it from other providers. Even the procedure for AOL Mail login is as easy as walking on a cake. This read is solely focused on discussing the login procedures, different products and services by AOL, and some detail on creating and using a signature in AOL Mail login accounts.

How to register for AOL Mail account?

A few perks that might work as a good influence are the large file size that users are allowed to attach (25 MB), email chains that are unlimited, an exclusive feature that lets you link your other email addresses (like Gmail, Yahoo, etc), a built-in trait that protects you from scams, and a variety in protocols such as STMP, POP, IMAP). Now, let’s walk you through the sign-up procedure to have your own AOL Mail login account:

  • From a preferred web browser visit the official site by the organization.

  • Go through the webpage and hit on the option reading “Create an account”.

  • Fill in your first and last name for the AOL Mail login user account.

  • Submit the required personal data with your email address.

  • Decide upon an easy password that is strong enough to provide security.

  • Ensure submitting the correct gender option and valid date of birth.

  • Recheck the validity of all submitted data and go for “Continue”.

And that’s all you have to do.

What are the different AOL Products?

AOL did not stick to limits and boundaries even after encountering so many problems throughout its lifetime. It believed in its ultimate objective and has been working hard to achieve just that. Along the journey, the company came up with different services with AOL Mail login accounts still being the primary product. Let’s get to know about all other services that AOL offers to users:

“assist” by AOL- This service simplifies the AOL technology by providing effective guidance and suggestions for better user experience, as and when required.

ID Protection by AOL- This protection service shields you from getting attacked and falling victim to identity theft practices.

AOL Desktop Gold- It is an all-in-one experience that is inclusive of a browser, email service, search along with numerous content, premium security and auto-update features.

AOL.- This app service offers exclusive feasibility where you stay connected with your email activities, trending videos online, and get alerted of breaking news or headlines.

Search and Recover- This service grants users the permission to search for deleted documents, emails, songs and pictures for recovering when the time comes.

Data Secure by AOL- This is a protection service that protects your system accounts from harmful cyber threats such as malware, spyware, viruses, and the like. It keeps all hackers or cybercrooks away for premium security of data privacy.

AOL Mobile- This service was crafted with the belief in easy and quick access and thus lets you carry your AOL Mail login account and other features wherever you go.

AOL Shield Pro-This browser service by AOL helps users protect their data online. Whether it’s for online shopping, online banking, or just social media, AOL Shield Pro has all the answers.

How to create and use signatures in emails?

This section will help you set your signature for all the emails that you send via your AOL Mail login account, so let’s get right to it:

  • Get into the brands’ official site

  • Go on to signing in to your AOL account.

  • Move to “Options” and hit on “Mail Settings”.

  • Look and go for the “Compose” option.

  • Customize the signature detail as you want.

  • Go for “Use Signature” in the “Rich Text/HTML” link.

  • Double-check the changes and “Save” them.

Note: Once you’ve saved the changes made, it would begin to reflect in your emails.


The detailed read above introduces you to the journey of AOL that moved from offering AOL Mail to several other services. Here, you learn the process of signing up and getting your own AOL Mail login account with knowing about all the other services that AOL offers to its clients and a specific feature that helps you personalize the emails that you send out from your AOL accounts.